Friday, 22 November 2024

Kōwhai News Term 4 Week 6

Kia ora Kōwhai Whānau!

We are having a fabulous Term 4. 

A reminder that all students need to have a hat at school each day or they will not be able to play in the sun. 

Thank you to all the families who have clearly named their hats. This makes them so much easier to be returned to the correct person should they go missing.

Word of the Week

Our word of the week is RESILIENCE. Resilience is the ability to bounce back after challenges and through tough times. It is a skill that we frequently revisit with the students as they tackle new challenges daily at school and in life in general. 

Nau mai te wero! (We Love Challenge)


Last week was our final week of school swimming for the term. Our students had a great time learning new water skills and how to be safe both in and around water. The life jackets and inflatable boat were a big hit with the students.


During our literacy lessons, students are currently exploring different types of poetry. Poems are a great way to express yourself in written form and the topics and types of poetry are endless. We are having so much fun exploring this genre.

Maths Learning

Here's a notice, think, wonder picture to get your math brain activated.

In regards to the picture:
- What do you notice?
- What do you think?
- What do you wonder?
- Where is the maths / what maths could you explore from the picture?

Cyber Safety

Staying Safe Online: Online Grooming 

As young people become more independent online, they can connect and communicate with people they don’t know.

Often this is a positive experience, but sometimes your tamariki could be being groomed or talking to someone who

isn’t who they say they are. Netsafe’s advice explains how unwanted contact works, including grooming and what

\whānau can do to educate kids.

Check out the link here.


Team Kōwhai,

Anna R, Rowe, Nick, Anna M, Krystal and Tracey

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