Friday, 6 May 2016

Week 1 Term 2 Newsletter

Week 1 – Friday 6th May

It has been great to see the children return to school full of energy for the term ahead. We hope everyone had a refreshing break.  The children have settled in well with the new play, eat, learn approach that has been adopted across the school. We have all seen a much calmer playground and greater focus in the hubs. This newsletter outlines important information about the term ahead.

Morning snack and water:
As part of the initiatives being put in place to increase student focus across the school, we are making some changes to eating times. The children play first and then eat back in class, at interval and lunchtime. This means their morning tea is eaten at 10:50am. If your child needs a snack before then, they can eat a fruit, vegetable or bread snack at 10am, which is after fitness. This snack needs to be quick and easy to eat.
All children need to have a named drink (water) bottle at school, that they will keep in their hubs. It was great to see a number of children with these on Monday. We would like everyone to be organised with bottles of water by the start of next week.

Learning Conferences:
We are looking forward to catching up with you all at learning conferences in week 3. The children will lead these conferences and will share their learning in reading, writing and maths as well as reflecting on how they demonstrate the school values.  If you have yet to book a learning conference, please go to and enter the booking code zxg6a, or give Jackie a call in the office.

What impact does the weather have on us and what do we need to do to ensure that we cope with these changes?
Over the next few weeks the children will be learning about the weather and the seasons and how the weather canges. We will investigate what we need to do to keep heatlthy over the up and coming winter months. This inquiry has a strong Science focus as at the end of the term there will be a Science and Technology Fair that we will share our findings at. We are looking forward to conducting many experiments during this inquiry.

This term we are providing the children with the opportunity to begin to learn a sport. The children have decided on one sport that they would like to play this term. Each Friday from 11.45am-12.30pm, the children will play one of the following sports: hockey, netball, basketball, touch rugby or football. If you have any skills in these  area and would like to help out, please do not hesitate to contact your home room teacher. At the end of the term we are hoping to have a school winter tournament which will give the children the opportunity to play against each other.
Starting next Wednesday, we have Sport Canterbury coming in to take the children for some hockey lessons. Over the next four weeks the children will learn how to play hockey and in the last week will compete in a mini hockey tournament.

Home Learning:
For the first couple of weeks, the Home Learning will consist of continuing with Spelling, Basic Facts and Reading as you all settle back into establishing routines. It is ESSENTIAL that your child have their home learning folder at school every day as the children need to write their new reading books in the reading log. There are a number of children that need support to develop these routines. Your support with this, is much appreciated! Starting in Week 3, we will add another layer in to extend those children who would like to do a bit more at home by sending home a Pick and Mix style sheet. Details to come home in the next newsletter.

Junior School Cross Country:
This year, the junior school  (NE-Y4) will compete in a Junior School Cross Country event. We are currently starting our build up by running each day. The children are being encouraged to set their own personal goal. The cross country event will be on Thursday 16th June from 11-12.30pm We hope you are all able to come along to support the children.

Chess Sets:
One of our M.A.D (Make a Difference) options on Friday afternoons this term will be a chess club. We would love some donations of chess sets to enable as many children to play as possible. Please send them in to your home room teacher if you are happy to donate one. Thanks!

School Uniform:
We have noticed some children wearing non-school items as part of their school uniform. Black jerseys or cardigans unfortunately are not a part of our uniform. Feel free to go to the P.T.A. shop if you need to purchase any school clothing. This is open most Fridays. With the children participating in physical activities most days, please ensure your child comes to school in suitable footwear that enables them to run with ease.

Have a great weekend and wonderful Mother’s Day!

Kowhai Teaching Team
Mike, Gayle, Anna, Rebekah and Paulette

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