Sunday, 15 February 2015


As part of our team programme, we are teaching the children about mindfulness each afternoon for 10 minutes. Mindfulness can benefit children by:

1. Bringing attention back to the present, away from any possible worries
2. Reduce stress and can bring a sense of calm (especially after a long time playing at lunch)
3. Teaching children to identify, become aware of and accept emotions, rather than simply be consumed by them
4. Improving children's memory by improving their ability to pay attention
5. Enhancing their ability to focus and learn
6. Letting them experience and understand their thinking process and how their mind works, both of which can lead to a greater understanding of self and their personal experiences in the world.

We will upload clips of the children in action later this week. If your child is feeling anxious or needs to calm down, you can ask them to do some 'belly breathing'. This is a simple technique that they use to slow their breathing down and helps to relax and feel settled.

Here are some useful links that you might like to explore.

Smiling Mind

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